Annual Board and Donor Event 2024

Annual Board and Donor Event 2024 Image

(Pictured L to R: Gregory LaRocca, Journey Health System’s Board Chair; Maurice Cashman, 2024 BEACON Award Honoree & Beacon Light Behavioral Health System’s Board Chair; and Guy Signor, Journey Health System’s President & CEO.)


The program commenced with a prayer by Father Leo Gallina. Gregory LaRocca, Journey Health System’s Board Chair, delivered a warm welcome message, followed by an introduction of all of the Board members. Their Boards’ combined total of 319 years of service was applauded, along with the longest tenure of 49 years held by Bob Saunders.

Years of Service milestone awards were presented to: Craig Hartburg for 35 years; Richard Esch and David Ferguson for 20 years; Anne Albright, Dee Baxter, Maurice (Maury) Cashman, Jean Hvizdzak and Gregory LaRocca for 15 years; Bill Chapman, Karen Costello-Pecht and Cindy Zembryki for 10 years; and Norm Strotman for five years of service.

The 11th Annual B.E.A.C.O.N. Award was presented to Maurice Cashman. B.E.A.C.O.N. stands for Being an Enthusiastic Advocate for Community and Organizational Needs and is awarded each year to an individual who exemplifies service to the Beacon Light companies.

“Whether he is at work, with his family, or in the community, Maury is passionate,” said Guy Signor, president and CEO. “Maury is an enthusiastic advocate not only for Beacon Light, but the entire community of Warren.”

With 15 years of dedicated service, Cashman currently serves as Chair on the Board of Directors for Beacon Light Behavioral Health System.  Additionally, he serves as a member of the Journey Health System Board of Directors, contributing his expertise to various committees including Executive, Corporate Governance, Development, Strategic Plan Oversight, and Finance. Maury’s extensive involvement underscores his profound dedication to fostering excellence and driving positive change within both Beacon Light and Journey Health System.

 “I wish to thank Maury for his dedication to Beacon Light and Journey Health System”, added Jennifer Gesing, executive director of Beacon Light Behavioral Health System. “He’s always been available to me to offer advice, help establish relationships in the Warren community and make Beacon Light better a place.”

Cashman stated, “I did not set out to win this award 15 years ago. However, my goal was to be the best board member that I could be by bringing my strengths in finance and my business background to the organization. This continues to me goal going forward.”

The evening closed with a live video with Beacon Light Behavioral Health System’s children’s programs.

Signor thanked HUB International for co-sponsoring the event, all of the agency’s staff, donors and honorees for their continued support. He also noted the thousands of children and adults who received treatment throughout Beacon Light’s over 120 years of service.  Each day, their programs touch more than a 1,100 individuals in some way, and whether it’s in a family therapy session, a structured group home setting, a peer-led mental illness recovery journey, or alternative classrooms teaching life skills.

“It is through your efforts and commitment that our future caring for the most vulnerable members of our community is secure. So, this night is about thanking all of you,” added Signor.

For more information about career opportunities or donating to Beacon Light Behavioral Health System and Beacon Light Adult Residential Services, please visit



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